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Buy KWF150 Tickets and or Donate Alternative Ways of Donating

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  if you cannot attend our event, please consider a donation

  Bank Transfer
Account name: The Netherlands Benevolent Society
( Koning Willem Fonds )
Sort Code: 50-00-00;
Account number: 29926580
IBAN: GB35NWBK50000029926580
Please consider a Standing Order.
       Payroll Giving
        Legacies and In memoriam Giving
       Deeds of Covenamt
       Will Giving
       Shares, Dividens, Items of Property
       Employer Matching Giving
       Donate through CAF
           Please ask your financial consultant
           for advice if needed

Please Gift Aid your donation, this form enables us to
     claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate.

KWF Gift Aid form